Crossref goodness of match knob
Apparently you can set a threshold for the Crossref metadata retrieval to reduce spurious results, and a good value is around 2.4. Could Zotero incorperate a control to set the threshold, with a 2.4 default?
The most common metadata problem I get is searching by ISBN or something and getting a bunch of PMIDs, if I'm remembering correctly. It's a tad annoying because I have to delete multiple irrelevant items. My main problem with Google Scholar is incomplete metadata, like only having the first author, which I get with moderate frequency.
All in all, minor complaints. A togglable "one-at-a-time" setting on the ID lookup might sometimes be useful, but I can't think of any other easy fixes.
I'm not sure I'd want a confirmation dialogue if there was only one thing being imported; lots of dialogues can also be a bit annoying, and I can delete one erroneous item easily enough.
But for lots of items, it would be great; I rarely look up list of IDs, and I've never done multiple lists in a row, so an importing-multiple-items confirmation dialogue would not be annoying. Of course, some people may use it differently. The dialogue could have a do-not-warn-me-again(for single/multiple imports) box.
Actually, though, an undo-import button might be more useful than a confirmation dialogue. I could also use it when I've just accidentally nabbed duplicate or inferior metadata. Is this much harder to implement?
Yeah, maybe just a dialog for multiple, since we do focus the newly imported item.