How to substituted publisher with abbreviation where author an publisher are the same

I would like to substituted the name of the publisher or book author with abbreviation (»ders.« German for the same) where author an publisher are the same. Is there any way I can do this?
The problem is, that it seems not to be possible to check if to variables are the same, is there any work around?

Here is an example:
That how it looks like:
Honneth, Axel: »Die Unhintergehbarkeit des Fortschritts. Kants Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Moral und Geschichte«, in: Axel Honneth, Pathologien der Vernunft: Geschichte und Gegenwart der kritischen Theorie, Frankfurt am Main 2007 ( 1835), S. 9–27.

That's how I want it to:
Honneth, Axel: »Die Unhintergehbarkeit des Fortschritts. Kants Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Moral und Geschichte«, in: ders., Pathologien der Vernunft: Geschichte und Gegenwart der kritischen Theorie, Frankfurt am Main 2007 ( 1835), S. 9–27.
  • can't currently be done in CSL, sorry.
  • Are there any news on this? In my opinion this is a major flaw in Zotero as the case in witch author and book author (or publisher) are the same is very common. If this isn't possible with CSL, shouldn't Zotero have the capability of substitute the second occurrence of the same name with a marker, before rocessing it with CSL, the which after that could be replaced in CSL, according to the used language and style?
    Has anybody found a workaround? I find myself looking through hundreds and hundreds of bibliographic entries, created by Zotero to eliminate those double occurrences of author names.
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