Problem with WebDAV sync on

I am using th stand-alone version of Zotero, version

I would like to sync my attached files (PDF and djvu files on my PC, attached to my references on Zotero) via WebDAV on .

In the Preferences, I checked the box for this sync, entered[/zotero/], my email and my password on

After a click on "Verify Server" button, I receive this message, in French (I am using the French version of Zotero):

"Un problème potentiel a été trouvé avec votre serveur WebDAV.

Un fichier téléversé sur le serveur n'était pas immédiatement accessible au téléchargement. Il peut y avoir un court délai entre le moment où vous envoyez des fichiers et celui où ils sont disponibles, particulièrement si vous utilisez un service de stockage dans le nuage.

Si la synchronisation des fichiers Zotero fonctionne normalement, vous pouvez ignorer ce message. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, veuillez poster un message sur le forum ."

On, I have a "zotero" directory, which contains only one file, "zotero-test-file.prop". There is no other files, no synchronization occurs!

Any help?


  • I get this message (in English) from time to time, also using, but syncing has worked fine for me.
    If you don't have "Sync Automatically" set then did you click on the Sync icon - the circular green arrow, third from the right on the top Zotero menu bar?
  • Thanks for your quick replay.

    I've checked the "Sync automatically" button, and tried manytimes to click on the Sync icon also.
    But, nevertheless, nothing appears on my storage.

    Any idea?

    Am I correct if I say:

    "My PDF files on my hard disk, associated to my records on Zotero as Attached documents, should be automatically synchronized on my storage-space." ?

  • OK. I've found the cause of the problem.

    I added links to my files on my hard disk as attachment to my bibliographical entries.
    The synchronization will not work on these links. I should have add "une copie enregistrée du fichier" (a saved copy of the file?) to my entries.

    This thread is also cancelled.
    Thanks for your help!

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