how would you put this together

I am in need of advice about how to put together a solution that allows me to maintain a bibliography of sorts online of academic papers etc. I would like to be able to:
- create citations from three sources: Bookmarks, Google Scholar Library, PD files.
- use firefox to book mark papers and web sites within a nested folder structure and have those book marks automatically added as citations to the bibliography
- include citations from my google scholar library
- “watch” a directory pdf files that has a folder structure within it that mirrors the bookmark folders in firefox and automatically add the files as citations to the bibliography. the PDFs get renamed with the title of the paper which the software gets from either embedded metadata, DOI look up or the content of the pdf.
- The html bibliography should be customizable using any HTML editor and can include complete abstract and URL
- Frosting: if possible, though it would be asking for a lot, i would like the bibliography to be a word press blog that is searchable and where each citation is a post such that it has a comments field.
There are many applications out there of which I have used a few (Zotery, mendeley, JabRef, Endnote, Refworks, google scholar. But I guess I'm getting old because I just can't put together the right pieces in the right way to achieve what I've described. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • Zotero with ZotFile (for the watchfolder functionality) basically does all that. For the auto-WordPress blogpost, you want to set up an IFTTT (or similar) recipe linking the Zotero atom feed to your WordPress blog.

    What you can't do is automatically add bookmarks as citations automatically. You should instead use Zotero to save pages from the start.
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