New client install not displaying my group libraries

I think I'm overlooking something basic, sorry.

Had to set up a new laptop. The client has accepted my username and password, and shows it is syncing. But all that displays is a set of a few test items I put in My Library when I began using Zotero.

How do I tell the client to display my group libraries?

Zotero rocks! Thank you so much.
  • Are you sure the group libraries are not collapsed? Are you getting any sync errors (red exclamation mark next to the sync arrow)? Do you see your groups online at ? Are you using the same credentials to log in online and sync?
  • I found the problem. I think this needs to be added to the introductory guide. I remember it happened before on another laptop.

    On the client, immediately to the left of the title "Group Libraries" and to the left of the people icon too, there is a tiny dropdown triangle. As it is white it's invisible against the background. You have to click that patch blind! for the area below to display the Group Libraries list, and in the centre, the listings..
    So even though they are there they are invisible!
  • They're expanded by default. You accidentally collapsed them. On which OS is the triangle invisible?
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