first name field populates in-text cite

For one of the authors, Christian C. Apfel, Zotero routinely decides it wants to populate the in-text citation with his first name or first initial. I do not have this problem with other authors, which makes it strange. Interestingly, if I change only the last name to something else, the program corrects the entry appropriately e.g. (Johnson, et al., 2012), but changing the last name back to Apfel causes the problem to reappear.
Correct Citation:
Drugs make people nauseated (Apfel et al., 2012).
What it gives me:
Drugs make people nauseated (C. C. Apfel et al., 2012).
Attempted (failed) fixes:
In the Zotero library, change first name to full name or just initials or combination. Reverse first and last names (ends up being: (C. C., 2012) and messes up the bibliography.
If I use the single name field instead of last, first, it becomes (Apfel, C. C., 2012).

Nevermind. I got it to work by typing a new letter A (I was experimenting with the scandinavian A with the 2 dots over it, and stumbled on this fix) in the name and deleting the old one after that. Apparently it thought I had some coded A that made it do the weird naming solution.
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