Test pane : styles installés n'apparaissent plus dans le menu déroulant

Bonjour, les styles nouvellement installés n'apparaissent plus dans le menu déroulant du «Test Pane» chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul. Est-ce un bug ?
  • That would be a bug, but make sure, first, that it's actually the case (it works fine for me). Obviously you need to reload the test panel after installing a style before it will show up. Also, are these custom styles or styles from the repository? If they're custom styles, make sure you have changed both ID and title of the style.
  • edited July 1, 2014
    Apparemment ce sont les styles que j'ai testés (installés depuis le Repository) qui posent problème -> «Biogeosciences» et «Sedimentary Geology» bad luck !? Avec «Urban Studies» cela fonctionne parfaitement !
  • so called "dependent styles" won't show up in the test pane.
    If you look at Biogeosciences, for example:
    it's not actually a style itself, it's just a link to Copernicus Publications. You can install that and it'll show up in the test pane.
  • Encore appris quelque chose - Thanks a lot !
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