Files moved into Zotero disappear from the original folder

Hi all,

I've been using Zotero standalone for a while (and it is amazing!), but have noticed recently that when I move pdfs into Zotero they are removed from their original folder. This didn't happen when I started out. It's not a huge problem, but is a bit strange; possibly a new bug or I've accidentally changed some setting?

  • that should only happen when you hold the shift key while dragging (cmd key on a mac). Otherwise that'd be a bug.
  • Thanks for that - just experimented a bit then. It does remove the files if they are selected using shift but shift is not held while they are dragged into Zotero. It doesn't remove them if multiple files are selected using ctrl and clicking on each file and then dragged. And it doesn't remove single files dragged in.
  • that's on Windows I assume? Someone will take a look (I'm away from my Windows setup atm). That's not right, thanks for checking it out in detail.
  • Yep on Windows using standalone v No problems at all,
  • Yeah, I've noticed that as well on Windows, but it seemed to happen randomly and I couldn't find the cause. I'll take another look given this info.
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