Issue with Libre Office plugin


Win 8.1
Libre Office
Zotero StandAlone
JRE 1.7.0_51 (32bits) in Program Files (x86)
JRE 1.7.0_60 (64bits) in Program Files

LO is configured to use JRE 1.7.0_51

Plugin installed without any problems, toolbar appears but is not reacting.

Customised LO to assign a key shortcut of CTRL+F5 to the macro ZoteroAddCitation

When activated using the shortcut I'm getting a popup with the following error:

BASIC runtime error.
An exception occurred
Message: [jni_uno bridge error] UNO calling Java method trigger: non-UNO exception occurred: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class$CLibrary
java stack trace:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class$CLibrary

Other buttons react but come back with a message stating: You must insert a citation before performing this operation. So it seems to me that the connection is there. it looks like LO has an issue somewhere after or during connecting.

Someone has pointers for me to fix it?
  • have you tried this with the 64-bit JRE selected?
  • Now that was an interesting experience... I changed to the 64 bits version and my whole Libreoffice install fecked up brilliantly. It got stuck in an autorecovery loop...

    I'm currently reinstalling. Let us conclude that the 64-bit JRE was not the best option there.
  • ouch, sorry about that, though obviously that's a LibreOffice issue (I'm increasingly disenchanted by Libre/Open Office. Lots of bugs and issues.). The message above still suggests a JRE that's not working properly in LibreOffice (there are only a couple of LO extensions that use the JRE, so you wouldn't necessarily notice otherwise). Maybe we get lucky and the re-install just fixes this.
  • No worries, you wouldn't learn from things otherwise.
    I appreciate your help anyway.
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