Zotero does not appear for JOM Sage Pub in our library
The Zotero icon does not appear in the URL line after searching for the articles in the Sage Publication website through the our library. Is this problem specific to the publisher or we need additional code for downloading? Below is the link where I see the search results, but I cannot click Zotero and select the list of Pdfs to download.
Will appreciate your suggestion and help. Thank you.
Will appreciate your suggestion and help. Thank you.
and I do get a URL bar icon. The proxy shouldn't matter.
1999-02-01 (v.25, i.1) to current from Sage Premier CRKN Package - Sage
and then log in, got the page as follows, and I go to Advanced Journal Search by keywords or article titles.
Perhaps Zotero works better for general database like Business Source Complete rather than specific journal search engine?
If you click through to individual articles those will import. Same if you do a simple search (just using the "search this journal" box).
We'll see if we can fix advanced search, but until then either of those should, for most purposes, prove a decent work around. (If you rely on advanced searches for a systematic review or the like, it's possible to construct search URLs that will work, but that's rather cumbersome).
Hope advanced search will work in the near future.
Thank you again.