Something wrong happened to my cited sources :-(

Hello everyone!

I am looking for help with zotero, and I believe this is the right place :-)

I am using Zotero add-on for word in order to embed my downloades sources in my work. The work itself is written in Hebrew, whereas ALL the sources are cited in English according to the last APA style.
It all worked wonderful, till something bad happened.
Suddenly, the add-on decided "by itself" to translate all the sources into Hebrew. It means that the alignment of my bibliography was turned from left to right, and phrases like "et al." or "pp.(for page numbers)" were translated too. The problem is that I don't want this to happen! I need all my sources in the proper English format.

Can anybody please help me by explaining to me what happened here and how to fix it?
Please help, because otherwise I will be in big troubles :-(

    (the language code for English is en-US)
  • Worked as magic!
    adamsmith THANK YOU!!!
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