Mixing citations and textural footnotes

Hi all

I'm writing a paper for the history section of the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH). AJPH has a zotero style, no problem there. The issue is I can't work out how to do the standard historian thing of using footnotes for both citations and extraneous comments. Eg for a text body:

Lorem ipsum(1) dolor sit amet(2), consectetur adipiscing(3).

With footnotes:

(1) Altman DG. Medieval poetry from 1222 to 1223 [etc].
(2) Here we see how the author has made fine use of the lorem ipsum generator.
(3) Bartlefast PQ. Flaws in Altman's 'Medieval poetry from 1222 to 1223' [etc].

I can easily insert the actual citations ((1) and (3)) but can't work out how to insert the textural footnote (2) and have the numbering work out. In both libreoffice and word you can insert footnotes but the numbering happens independently of the zotero numbering so in the above example you end up with (1), (1), (2) istead of (1), (2), (3).

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions

  • there is no great solution since, at least for AJPH, the style doesn't actually use footnotes/endnotes but rather numeric references. The main difference is that a repeated reference is referred to by the same number every time it's used (whereas footnotes are always sequential).

    The best suggestion I can give you is to turn each of you comments into a Standalone Zotero Note and cite that. That'll only give you the first 250 (or so) characters of your comment in the actual bibliography, so you'll have to edit it, but it'll get the numbering right.
  • Thanks for this - very helpful. The other idea I came up with after posting this question was to find or write a citation style that gives the in-text cite in full, then use the footnote function from libreoffice/word and use zotero to cite within the footnote.
  • Zotero can produce proper footnoted styles if you need it to and those footnotes do mix with the ones generated by LibreOffice.

    It's just not what AJPH wants. And it wouldn't work if you need to refer to the same item with the same number. There is no way to get LibreOffice to print footnotes out of order.
    (To give you an example
    has citations 4 ... 1 .... 1, 5-7 —you can't do something like that with footnotes. )

    If you don't need that, your solution would work, too.
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