Fall back translator for import


is there a reason why there isn't a "fallback translator" that is used if there is no translator for a particular web page?

This translator would add a web page just as a web page (perhaps using the web page title or other embedded metadata), and would add a pdf just as a pdf file?

I can see that for those sites one might not show an icon in the browser bar, because otherwise that icon would show all the time. Otherwise it seems like a good idea?

(I end up dragging a lot of urls into Zotero.)

  • edited June 11, 2014
    That's what "Create Web Page from Current Item" in the Zotero for Firefox toolbar is for. With Standalone, you can right-click on the webpage background in Chrome/Safari/Firefox and choose "Save Zotero Snapshot from Current Page" (which is badly named but the same thing). In the future that feature will likely get some sort of separate toolbar button in the connectors.

    As you say, the alternative is showing the icon on all pages, and we think the distinction between translator-based saving and creating generic webpage items is important.
  • edited June 12, 2014
    Ah - I could have thought of that :-)

    We've had a similar discussion before, but it would be great if that worked for pdf files as well, i.e. if that worked on pdfs loaded in the browser (http://..../....pdf).

  • it does work in Firefox, just not yet in the connectors.
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