importing Procite keywords as "automatic tag" and Procite call number as "user-added tag"
I need some help with managing the import of tags...
In Procite, I used the keyword field for labels that were generated by databases or derived from the journal article itself (analogous to what Zotero calls an "automatic tag"); and I used the call number field to hold my own keywords (analogous to what Zotero calls a "user-added tag").
When I imported the Procite database into Zotero, all the ProCite keywords became Zotero user-added tags, and the ProCite call number was placed into the Zotero notes section. I figured I might be able to fix this, in part, by converting all user-added tags into automatic tags - but my search of the forums leads me to believe that this kind of user management of tags is not currently supported.
So does anyone know of a way to redo the import and specify that
1) ProCite keywords become Zotero automatic tags
2) ProCite call numbers become user-added tags?
As I no longer have a way to run ProCite, my data from that program are in a *.RIS file, which I believe is an RIS-Endnote style format: keywords are prefaced by KW; and my call number(s) are prefaced by N1 - although unfortunately it appears that some entires have two N1 fields (although the one that contains the relevant text has the label "Cal Number" in it). Here is part of one record from the RIS file:
N1 - Record Number: 10
A1 - Turner, D. P.
< I omitted a bunch of fields here so as to shorten this already too long missive>
N1 - Notes: Page Count: 16
< I omitted a bunch of fields here so as to shorten this already too long missive>
N1 - Call Number: C balance of plants
KW - Age-Class Distribution
KW - Carbon Pools and Flux
KW - Carbon Sources and Sinks
ER -
Cheers, Greg
In Procite, I used the keyword field for labels that were generated by databases or derived from the journal article itself (analogous to what Zotero calls an "automatic tag"); and I used the call number field to hold my own keywords (analogous to what Zotero calls a "user-added tag").
When I imported the Procite database into Zotero, all the ProCite keywords became Zotero user-added tags, and the ProCite call number was placed into the Zotero notes section. I figured I might be able to fix this, in part, by converting all user-added tags into automatic tags - but my search of the forums leads me to believe that this kind of user management of tags is not currently supported.
So does anyone know of a way to redo the import and specify that
1) ProCite keywords become Zotero automatic tags
2) ProCite call numbers become user-added tags?
As I no longer have a way to run ProCite, my data from that program are in a *.RIS file, which I believe is an RIS-Endnote style format: keywords are prefaced by KW; and my call number(s) are prefaced by N1 - although unfortunately it appears that some entires have two N1 fields (although the one that contains the relevant text has the label "Cal Number" in it). Here is part of one record from the RIS file:
N1 - Record Number: 10
A1 - Turner, D. P.
< I omitted a bunch of fields here so as to shorten this already too long missive>
N1 - Notes: Page Count: 16
< I omitted a bunch of fields here so as to shorten this already too long missive>
N1 - Call Number: C balance of plants
KW - Age-Class Distribution
KW - Carbon Pools and Flux
KW - Carbon Sources and Sinks
ER -
Cheers, Greg
The items only have a single keyword assigned to them (in the Call Number field).
Everything that _can_ be easily implemented in a dialog can also be easily done in the RIS using search&replace.
Fortunately, we're seeing more and more standardization in these, so custom solutions are pretty much limited to ProCite and RefMan, which are (also fortunately) dying out.