CSL JSON import: Allow `"type": "no-type"`
Issue: CSL JSON items containing `"type": "no-type"` cannot be imported into Zotero.
pandoc-citeproc --bib2json generates such items from biblatex "misc" entries. It would probably be more awkward to change this on the pandoc side (for some background on why this was introduced, see http://xbiblio-devel.2463403.n2.nabble.com/Document-type-td5140098.html).
My proposal: Zotero should accept such items, mapping them to the "Document" type.
pandoc-citeproc --bib2json generates such items from biblatex "misc" entries. It would probably be more awkward to change this on the pandoc side (for some background on why this was introduced, see http://xbiblio-devel.2463403.n2.nabble.com/Document-type-td5140098.html).
My proposal: Zotero should accept such items, mapping them to the "Document" type.
adamsmithWe won't do it on export, but I don't see a reason against allowing import.
nickbartImport only: that's my proposal.