Slowness of Zotero with more than 500 references in one doc

Hi everybody,
Hi Everybody,

Here my first time on the forum ;-)
I have some trouble with Zotero. I'm writing my thesis and I have more than 500 references. When I want to add one citation, Zotero take a very long time and bug after that.
Does anyone know how to fix it?

Thank you in advance for your precious help!

  • very large documents are slow, I don't think there is a fix. Best recommendation would be to edit in chapters and only assemble them at the end.
  • Thank you Adamsmith for your prompt answer!
    I did it but I'm currently proofreading and I want to add some new citations and it's very very slow! There is no mean to go faster ?!
  • You could try deleting the bibliography while you're proofreading that might help a little, but not a ton, sorry.
  • Thanks again adamsmith! I did it also ;-)
    I will do with the lack of perfection of Zotero ;-)

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