[solved] For reading is too big in tab mode

Sorry by my (no)english. And thanks for trying to understand.

If I have Zotero in half window I can read good, but, if I put Zotero in tab mode, it becomes too large for reading (like it was no small, but in preferences is "small")

With small letter in half window: https://www.googledrive.com/host/0B-cBOJjmTyZASG5GRlFtWFQwSGc/LetraHandiegia1.jpg

With no-small letter in tab mode: https://www.googledrive.com/host/0B-cBOJjmTyZASG5GRlFtWFQwSGc/LetraHandiegia2.jpg

I have Zotero in Firefox 29 for Linux Mint (in LM13 Maya)

Thank for help
  • edited May 30, 2014
    Press Ctrl-0 (zero), or otherwise reset Firefox's text scaling to Normal. In tab mode Zotero is affected by normal font scaling in Firefox.
  • Thanks you, Dan. You are my hero!
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