Importing file attachments from Groups to My Library

I would like to import both citations and file attachments from certain Groups to My Library. Is there a way to do this? I would also like to know whether I need to join a group that is public in order to import its items into My Library.

Thank you.
  • you can only import attachments from groups that you're a member of. For those, sync and then in the Zotero software (not on the webpage) drag item&attachment from the group to your library.
    For just items, web import via URL bar icon should work, but that will not get you attachments.
  • Thanks you for your response. I am working with someone who is having this problem and am unsure how to advise them. The user indicated that whey they copy an item/attachment from a group, only the entry itself (without the attachment) moves into My Library. When they click on it, it says the attachment cannot be located. Would you know what the issue might be, and if there might be no other way to download the files other than to re-attach every single file?

    Thanks again.
  • Can the attachment be opened from within the group library? In the attachment column, is the blue circle solid or empty? Can the attachment be accessed from the group library online at
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