Edit Bibliography

Hi, maybe this is a fool question but I want to know if I can add manually some references to the bibliography that was automatically made by zotero.
I can't find some articles or source to add in my library so I don't have some references but I need to put in my bibliography.

Do you have any idea to resolve this??

  • edited May 27, 2014
    Click the green + button in Zotero, pick the item type, then fill out the details on the right.

    Edit: and then add the source to the bibliography in Word or wherever.
  • Hi again, another trouble/question...
    Some of my references are sections of book, when Zotero save the book complete, not by sections. To add the chapters that I need, I duplicate the items and edit the info but in my bibliography the information of this kind of documents (section of a book) appears incomplete, like this...

    Bradshaw, A. (2002). Introduction and Philosophy. In Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Volume 1, Principles of Restoration, (Cambridge University Press).

    Because is absent the names of the editors/authors of the book... but until now I can't find the option to add this in the items. Do you now how can I resolve this?

  • Thanks a lot!!

    I'm new user of zotero, so I' m learning jeje
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