biblatex import/export: month = january suppresses month and day export

Hi all,

I stumbled upon this problem when I wanted to reference a conference paper ("inproceedings" in biblatex) in my thesis. However, I couldn't bring zotero to export neither month nor day (I need the month according to APA style) to the "date"-field, it just keeps exporting the year and only that. My date format in zotero usually is year-month-day (with my entry having the date "1997-01-24"), but different formats didn't change anything. Then I tried other conference papers, changed their months to january and exported them -> no more month nor day export. I also tried this with a thesis entry type in my zotero with the same result.

I usually check the "export notes" box and export in UTF-8, though I don't think that matters.

Can anyone provide a fix for this or tell me what I've done wrong with the date field?
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