Zotfile: Could not open pdf via links in the note created by Zotfile w Zotero 4.0 standalone and FF


I am using the latest Zotfile w Zotero 4.0 standalone and FF
under wins 8 x64, with foxit phantom pdf editor and adobe reader.

When I use zotfile to extract annotation from the pdf file, it creat a note with links like zotero://open-pdf/0_SI34ZECM/2

I clicked this link in attempted to open and navigate to the pdf where annotation was extracted from. However zotero did nothing but just open a blank zotero window. Both standalone and FF version have this problem. But I can open links like http:// or zotero://attachement.

I tried change the hidden option zotfile.pdfExtraction.openPdfWin to different reader .exe and change also default reader but without luck.

Any idea how to make that work?
Thank you.


  • report ZotFile issues on the ZotFile thread to make sure the developer sees them:
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