American Anthropological Association
I see there are requests for American Anthropological Association style going back a while. I really like Zotero for importing citations, but at the moment I think all the time I've saved over the past few months since I switched over from Reference Manager has just been lost reformatting my Bibliography. I've been switching it over from American Sociological Association style, which otherwise seems closest, for 4 hours now & I'm only up to H. Any hope on the horizon I won't have to do this again for my next article?
If that is a bit out of your depth could you layout the changes you need to make to the ASA style to get it to be the AAA style? In many cases that is the part that takes a significant amount of time for someone working on a CSL to figure out, particularly if their are only a few changes that they need to decipher from a massive style guide.
(odds are my html formatting won't actually display consistently but here goes):
Bestor, Theodore
2001 Supply-Side Sushi: Commodity, Market, and the Global City. American
Anthropologist 103(1):76–95.