Translator does not work in the following library catalogues

The translator does not work on the following urls.*cht

The address bar icon shows but no drop-down list came out of it when clicked.
Error msg: Could not save item. An error occurred while saving this item.

Report ID: 1864083907
Report ID: 1531153262
Report ID: 1572010958

I am using Zotero for Firefox.

Translator used: (Library Catalog (Innopac))
  • edited May 17, 2014
    The NUS catalog doesn't seem to display MARC data, at least nowhere I can find it (edit: I've asked someone from NUS about this on twitter, see what they say). I don't think we can do much about this and it's hard to tighten the code so that there's no Zotero icon for the catalog.

    NTU works for individual items, I think we should be able to get multiples to work as well, I'll have a look.

    Sinica works for me, what exactly are you doing (search terms etc.)?
  • I am trying to search books by this author. 黃勗吾
  • Neither showed the select items list.

    I am using Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy).
  • hmm - I get what looks like an incomplete list, but I don't get a translator error. What exactly are you doing? (This is only for*cht I can reproduce the other issues).
  • Okay, when I set the search terms to 'author' in Sinica, I get on the website a list of books by the author. This generates the error when I click on the address bar icon. Individual items work nonetheless.

    A search for titles works fine, though. Both for multiples and individual items.
  • great, thanks, I can reproduce that, I'll see if that's fixable. All of this may take some time, depending on both when I find the time and how hard this turns out to be.
  • OK, Sinica and NTU work now. NUS we can't do anything about, I hope to hear back from them.

    Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences. If you're using Standalone, restart Zotero and your browser after updating.

    Any further problems let us know & thanks for reporting
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