Selecting the drop-down field for a Saved Search

When I start a New Saved Search, I type the first letter of the field I want to get to. Pressing the key multiple types only alternates between the first two fields.

1) My Library - New Saved Search
2) I press 'P' multiple times (trying to get 'Publication')
3) I only get 'Pages' or 'Place'

This applies to other letters too (I checked 'C', 'I', and 'S' if it matters).

I can type 'Publication' ('pu' actually) and it will go to it, but isn't cycling through the whole list of options normal behaviour, perhaps easily fixed? Especially if I am searching for a field and can't quite remember the exact term. Thanks very much.
  • edited May 12, 2014
    I doubt we can fix that ourselves — that's a Mozilla bug, not ours — but at least for me it works as long as the menu is open. So the workaround, at least on OS X, is to press the spacebar first to open the menu and then press P to go through all of them. You can also press P once and then use down-arrow to get to the others.

    I'm not actually sure what logic it's following when it's closed. The exact behavior I get is P -> Pages, P -> Pages, P -> Place, and then back to Pages. I get the exact same behavior in the Firefox preferences if I tab to the "When Firefox starts" drop-down and press "S": it will only cycle through the first two, following the same pattern.
  • I see - okay, thanks for the reply. And I re-checked, I get the same exact behaviour as you do.
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