search for missing links

Hi all. First of all I want to congratulate the developpers because Zotero is saving my life. That said, I would like to request the capability of checking for missing files in the storage folder.

The reason is that after some time using Zotero a new version appeared which allowed to specify the folder where the database is stored. I moved the database but I forgot to move the files (yes, stupid me).

This gave me the advantage of having my database controlled and make sure that it always goes into the backups, but introduced the problem that now, sometimes I run into an entry which says: File not found, and this is quite annoying, especially if I'm offline. Also, running manually through all entries to check whether they are there or not would be a pain in the neck. I would suggest to create some sort of dynamic collection which (perhaps upon request) gathers all entries with missing files. Then it would be piece o'cake to re-download them (or maybe doing it automatically if possible).

This would also be a nice complement to the integrity check functionality that you provide in the server.

  • Hi -- was looking around for similar feature and found this thread. I'm doing some housekeeping with my zotero library right now and thought how great it would be if there were a utility that would investigate all the links in your zotero library to see if the linked items can be found -- that is, a utility to check the integrity of links to files stored outside of the zotero folder.

  • Agree, I`d like that too.

    I have lots of missing attachments, I guess there was a problem with sync... somehow document names could have been imported without the attachments.
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