Capitalization after a colon

After the recent update to 4.0.20, the function "Transform Text->Sentence case" no longer capitalizes the first letter after a colon.

I could also go on a rant about the scannable cite output format creating havoc with citations (e.g., adding extra parentheses, changing "&" into ", &" and other issues) but I that has been an ongoing concern, and probably more of a problem for the RTF scan add-on.
  • There has been discussion of this. You are not alone in your discomfiture, but this is an area where we're still searching for a path that will make everyone happy.

    Feel free to start another thread about scannable cite issues. From what you have written above it's not clear exactly what is supposed to be happening and isn't.
  • WRT scannable cites: My suspicion is that you're referring to the format _before_ setting a citation style in LibreOffice. That's a quick-and-dirty format that's just supposed to tell you what the citation is while you're writing (it's taken from the inserted scannable cite). Pretty sure everything will look correctly once you set a citation style under "Set Document Preferences".
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