Zotero inserted cross-reference indicate wrong number

I am using the Word-Zotero plugin to insert footnote references in the OSCOLA style to a long document. The document is split into sections so that the footnote numbering starts from 1 in each section.

The problem is: whenever Zotero inserts a footnote containing a cross-reference, it points to what I believe is the absolute numbering of the cross-referenced footnote in the document, for instance 350, instead of section numbering, which is what Word actually shows the footnote to be numbered, for instance 5.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Would that be a problem of the OSCOLA style or of the Zotero Word plugin?
  • That may very well not be fixable. It's an issue with the Word plugin, not the style, but if the absolute number is what Zotero gets from Word (and passes on to the citation generator) I'm not sure there's a way to get this right.
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