Connector for Opera

I am wondering if there exists an Opera connector or what happened to it. I cannot find a link under but it is stated:

"Chrome, Safari, or Opera connectors can be installed by following the respective download links under the Zotero Standalone download button on the page linked to above." see

On the other side there is the website . Is this still working?
  • Use the one from That is the official connector. Not sure why there's no link to it on the zotero download page though.
  • It's essentially identical to the Chrome connector - that's the main reason we have it - it's almost no extra work.
  • edited April 30, 2014
    Okay, thank you for the information (now I have to update my slides;-). BTW it is also not listed in the list on the bottom of the download page. Can/does someone want to change that?
  • that'd have to be Simon, Faolan, or Dan, they're the only one who have access to pages with download links.
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