Copy citation does not apply italics

I have always used copy (ctr+shift a) to copy-paste citations into my Libreoffice document (currently Now I noticed that due to some reason the italics are not applied when copying. (Checked, I have Chicago full note). When I mark that citations should be copied as html then the tags (<i>) appear around the part that should be italicised. I searched the forums and did not find a topic that discussed this problem.

Z; FF 29.0; Ubuntu 14.04 Seems to describe MS Word specific problem.
  • Is there any reason why you're not using the Zotero add-on for LibreOffice?

    Copy-paste should certainly work though. It's working for me with Word on Windows 7. Can you try pasting it into some other program that would accept RTF (can't think of one for Ubuntu atm)?
  • 1) I have to frequently exchange documents with MS word users and have noticed that their edits tend to mess up the add-on inserted citations sometimes. It is safer to use the pasted citations.

    2) Regarding the second question: pasting the same citation into Abiword (on my Ubuntu machine) applies italics.
  • I have to frequently exchange documents with MS word users and have noticed that their edits tend to mess up the add-on inserted citations sometimes. It is safer to use the pasted citations.
    That's unfortunate, since you end up forfeiting much of the Zotero functionality. (we could maybe take a look at what gets messed up, though it's likely that there won't be much we can do about it)
    Regarding the second question: pasting the same citation into Abiword (on my Ubuntu machine) applies italics.
    That would suggest that there is something broken with LibreOffice. Can you successfully copy-paste from Abiword to LO?
  • edited April 30, 2014
    That's unfortunate, since you end up forfeiting much of the Zotero functionality.
    I know, but I use also Zotero for organizing my huge library of references, actually I think this is the most useful aspect of zotero.
    Can you successfully copy-paste from Abiword to LO?
    Yes, the italics are retained then.
  • I'll have to get back to you when I get on my Ubuntu machine. Probably some time later today.
  • @meelis - do you still have that issue? Copy&Paste to LO works fine for me, albeit on an older version of Ubuntu and LO.
  • Yes, the problem persists.
  • thanks - either aurimas has a current version or it'll have to wait until I get around to updating to 14.04 and the most recent LO.
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