Help how do I update zotero?

I have downloaded V4 but when I try to download new styles I get an error message telling me that I must upgrade to V4.

How do i upgrade?

And why isn't this info prominently posted on the site?
  • Generally Zotero just auto-updates, which is why nothing about updates is mentioned on the page. If you need to manually update, simply download&re-install from
    If you still get an error message, we'll need to know exactly what the message says.
  • Tried it again

    This time it worked
    Murphy's Law LOL

    I edited a style to produce a citation based Cnd J. of Microb. but cant figure out how to get rid of the indentation in the old style.

    Do you know how?
  • hard to say without seeing your style, but generally indents are set using hanging-indent="true" so you'd want to remove that.
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