Can't see "Use Zotero for downloaded RIS/Refer files" box

Hi, I can't see the "Use Zotero for downloaded RIS/Refer files" option in Zotero Standalone's general preferences - is that because Standalone does not support it yet? Is there any other way to import the reference easily into Zotero say, if I am using ProQuest? Thanks!
  • Yes that option doesn't exist in Standalone (since we can't modify other browsers' download behavior, so it also likely won't exist in the future), but
    a) You shouldn't have to use this on most pages, most certainly not ProQuest. Use the URL bar icon:
    You may need to install the proper extension for your browser:

    b) If that doesn't exist, in many cases Zotero will also just open RIS and bibtex files opened in your system.

    c) If all else fails, you can save the RIS file and import it into Zotero - but that really should be rare.
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