tag notes that belong to a title


i don't know wether it is a bug, scheduled for later implementation or just not in:
it would be useful if one not only could tag notes that belong to a title but also can select these notes independent of their title through selsecting the tag in the tag-menu.
by now you can attach tags to a note that belongs to a title, e.g. a quote, but you can't select the quote by browsing the tags. to do this the note has to be intependent and only marked as related to the title by now .
the relevance of this functionalaty is given e.g. if you're quoting a work of fine art and want to relate it to a scientific subject, wich isn't actually the main theme of the whole piece. then the tags for quote and entry would differ and shall be tracked seperat.

btw. once again zotero is a awesome tool, thanks for :-)
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