dragging items from my library to collections
When i create an new item and it gets created in the 'my library' (it may happen because this was the last 'folder' selected when i last used zotero) i am having trouble moving it in a new folder.
I am able to drag the item to a new folder (optionally pressing the ctrl key that should create a copy). At this point I see 2 items, one in 'my library' and another in the new folder.
If i remove the item from the new folder, the item in 'my library' subsists. However, if i remove it from 'my library' it disappears from both locations.
So, it would help, for instance, to configure the default location for new items, or simply to be able to disable the creation of new items in 'my library'.
Sometimes all we want is to save the item and organize it later. If i save the item in 'my library', when i later try to copy and remove it.. i will lose it.
Is there any way to change this behavior?
When i create an new item and it gets created in the 'my library' (it may happen because this was the last 'folder' selected when i last used zotero) i am having trouble moving it in a new folder.
I am able to drag the item to a new folder (optionally pressing the ctrl key that should create a copy). At this point I see 2 items, one in 'my library' and another in the new folder.
If i remove the item from the new folder, the item in 'my library' subsists. However, if i remove it from 'my library' it disappears from both locations.
So, it would help, for instance, to configure the default location for new items, or simply to be able to disable the creation of new items in 'my library'.
Sometimes all we want is to save the item and organize it later. If i save the item in 'my library', when i later try to copy and remove it.. i will lose it.
Is there any way to change this behavior?
I dont question that it should contain all items. I am only questioning the fact that i am unable to really move any item once it has been created in 'my collection'
So it would be nice to be able to configure the default location for new items, or to be able to disable the creation of new items in 'my library'.
By doing this we would be able to move items around without any problem.. i think it is an usability question.. i am not the only one bothered with it..
As Trevor said above, My Library always contains all items. References to those items can be created in as many collections as you want, but they'll always exist in My Library.
If there is an item in a collection that you want to remove altogether—from everywhere in Zotero—then you'll want to right-click on it and select "Delete Selected Item from Library" or press Ctrl-Delete (Cmd-Delete on OS X). But you can't remove an item from My Library without deleting it from all collections, and this is by design.