How to update bibliography after deleting a reference


1) I can't seem to get the following thing working:
Whenever I decide to delete a reference from my bibliography, the reference numbering in the bibliography isn't updated.
Is it possible to manually 'refresh' the numbering?

Eg if I have references 1,2,3,4,5 etc. and I decide to take reference 3 out, the numbering remains 1,2,4,5 instead of 1,2,3,4.

2) Also, can ZOtero re-arrange the in-document numbering, once I decide to insert a citation before another citation?

Thanks in advance
  • How exactly are you deleting this reference? You should be deleting it from your text, not directly from the bibliography.
  • Hi,

    Actually I tried both methods (deleting from text or from bibliography). Then I hit 'refresh'. Nothing happens if I delete it from text.
    The reference apparently likes staying in my manuscript for some reason.
  • That could happen if you have it more than once in your document. It's also possible that you are looking at a plain-text bibliography. Position your cursor in the bibliography and click "edit bibliography" in the Zotero toolbar. What happens?
  • Hi,

    Thanks for your help.
    Doing as you said, opens up the 'edit bibliography' window, so it doesn't seem to be plain text bibliography, am I right?

    I played around a bit, and now it seems to be working by deleting the reference from text!

    One thing I noticed though was that the references in the bibliography are in alphabetical order, although te citation style shouldn't dictate that. I want them to appear in order of in-text appearance. Any idea how to change that?
  • Doing as you said, opens up the 'edit bibliography' window, so it doesn't seem to be plain text bibliography, am I right?
    Yes, that should be ok then.
    One thing I noticed though was that the references in the bibliography are in alphabetical order, although te citation style shouldn't dictate that. I want them to appear in order of in-text appearance
    which citation style?
  • Hi aurimas,

    Sorry for late response (I'm in time zone GMT+1). I'm using citation style 'Cell transplantation', downloaded from the Zotero site.
    I see now on their site they've changed the style to an alphabetized one (it used not to be, when I published there before), so again problem solved!

    Seems Zotero is working fine for me, no need for Endnote any longer..

    Thanks for your prompt help!!
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