User interface - translator button placement

I used to belong to the old school - couldn't use any old command software without reading the entire manual. Now I find productivity much better using GUI software and "just doing it" - good UI makes software productive.

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make the translators work. (Yes I could RTentireFM, but that is not the new productive way.) Searching did not reveal this little gem. Having just found out about the magical zotero button on the address bar, it seems a really odd place to put a Zotero UI element, when all the rest of the Zotero UI is in the Zotero window.

Please could a duplicate button be put on the Zotero button line? Perhaps even replacing the obvious or linking with the obvious "Create new item from current page" button.

If " Create new item from current page" did an automatic translation, I suspect millions of users would be happy it "just worked" the way it should.
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