Search "ANY" v. "ALL"

I love the saved search feature. Unfortunately, it's a little goofy right now. In the Saved Search Dialog you have the typical that give you the choice between:

1) Match "all" of the following
2) Match "any" of the followig

When I ask Zotero to match "any" I get the search results I would expect to get for "all" and vice-versa.

I am using Ubuntu Edgy, and I have beta 3 installed.
  • edited February 18, 2007
    Did this by any chance involve the "Attachment Content" condition? I'm not able to reproduce this for regular search conditions, but "Attachment Content" has to be handled differently from the others and may not have been working correctly with respect to ANY/ALL in Beta 3. I believe it should work correctly on the development branch.
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