Custom entrytypes and fields


it wolud be nice, if this great tool could be improved by the possibilities to
1. import custimezed entrytypes and fields from bibtexfiles
2. create customized entrytypes and fields within zotero
3. configure on your own wich fields one want to have an autocompletionlist like the tags do have by now

this features would help me to use zotero as a catalogue tool within the testlibrary in my institute and to migrate easyly from jabref to zotero

thx & best regards
  • Yes, this is really an important feature request! I think that there are many people who use some kind of custom bibtex fields now.

    Let me add that it would also be nice to select which fields are available for which entry types.
    If I find some article on a web page, I would like to keep more information than just "atricle" or just "web page", but rather some field of both, e.g. "article" with additional "Last Accessed" etc.

    Anyway, zotero is already a /very/ helpful tool! Many thanks!

  • I noticed that importing references from EndnoteX into Zotero my custom created fields were simply lost and others - part of a specific format - showed up outside the reference as tags or notes; in some cases as separate references themselves only missing the author or title info so as to make it difficult to see where it came from.

    A customization option for the Zotero fields could also solve this. I'd like import all my references into Z, but 300 or so entries needing this type of fixing would be very time consuming.
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