No-title bibliography style

I would like to generate a bibliography with a minimal structure, something like this i.e. omitting the article title.

A. N. Clarkson, B. S. Huang, S. E. Macisaac, I. Mody, S. T. Carmichael, Nature 468, 305 (2010).

(and with the right formatting, which in this text field is not maintained)

I understand that this style is called science.bst but I cannot find in Zotero, and none of the bibliography styles under "Create bibliography from item" resemble the format mentioned above, as they all contain the paper's title.

Thanks for any help.
  • edited March 24, 2014
    Is there a particular style guide or publication who are preparing this bibliography for? If so, the CSL/Zotero style database probably contains it already:

    After taking a quick look, it looks like the "American Chemical Society" style is what you want. Save the style to your computer from that page and add it to your Zotero client via the Cite tab in the Gears menu to be able to access it.

    Edit: If you can't find a style that is exactly what you want, find one that is close. Then edit it using the CSL visual editor ( or by asking specific questions here about how to change it to meet your needs.
  • Thanks! This is going to be a psychology poster, but none of the usual styles of the field looked like the style I wanted (minimal length, no title). I guess it doesn't matter that the style belongs to a different field as long as the result is formatted the way I want it.
  • That style seems in fact to list all authors rather than "et al" if there are 3 or more authors, and also displays the full journal name rather than the abbreviated name.

    I tried editing these two particular aspects of the style in the visual editor, but I'm not sure which CSL file to load (didn't find anything under C:\program files\mozilla firefox\zotero). Is it easier to edit the American Chemical Society style at this point, or to just look for a style that meets the two requirements above, in the plethora of styles from the repository?
  • I was actually able to edit the style's CSL code (using chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul launched from Zotero Preferences \ Cite), but I can;t figure out how to make those two changes
  • Sorry one more update - the style actually does use abbreviated journal names, but those names were not available for my items (imported with Zotero from the ScienceDirect website). Is there an alternative to entering those abbreviated names manually in the relevant field?
  • not currently, no. Automated journal abbreviations only work with the Word/LibreOffice add-on at this time.
  • edited March 25, 2014
    For the et-al issue, find the line starting with <bibliography ... and add et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1"

    For example, the stock APA style uses this line:
    <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="8" et-al-use-first="6" et-al-use-last="true" entry-spacing="0" line-spacing="2">

    As for the journal abbreviations, if it is for a poster, I would guess it's not too much effort manually enter journal abbreviations into the field in Zotero.
  • Thank you very much!
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