Bibliography export: Why ain't it easy?

I need to submit a research plan along with a bibliography. Because I haven't been using citations (haven't written the paper yet, obviously), Zotero won't export my library to my word (for mac) doc. I have the Zotero toolbox up in the corner and when I click "import bibliography, I just see the word {Bibliography}that appears where I'm expecting to see a nice long list.. I tried clicking "edit bibliography" and adding all my sources in manually, but it doesn't seem to add any actual sources to the doc. I'm stuck with {Bibliography} and nothing to show for it. Please don't say I have to type this all in one by one.
  • If you just want a bibliography for a paper you haven't written, don't use the Word add-on at all.
    Select the items you want to include in the bibliography in Zotero, right-click --> Create Bibliography from Selected Items
    (you'll probably want to select Clipboard and then just copy&paste).
  • Thanks adam!
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