iPad (Safari) + Bookmarklet + IEEEXplore = No PDF

I use IEEEXplore to get the vast majority of the documents for Zotero. I also use my iPad for reading an annotating of those documents. Unfortunately, the site translator (using the bookmarklet) for IEEEXplore runs unexpectedly on my iPad. It properly creates a record in Zotero, but it does not download the PDF. This sends me running back to a computer any time I wish to add a document to my library.

I have verified that the proper retrieval of documents using my iPad and the bookmarklet from other publishers. I have also verified proper retrieval of documents from IEEEXplore using the bookmarklet with other computers. I have also verified access to the PDF from my iPad -- I use a university address with full access to the publisher. It seems the problem only occurs with the specific combination of factors indicated in the topic title of this post. Please help.
  • are you using a proxied URL or are you on campus?
  • I am on campus. I tried proxied URL a while back and got the error "can't find translator". Since then, I have only been accessing using a campus IP address. The translator does not return an error when using the campus IP, but it doesn't download the PDF when run on my iPad.
  • Also, adamsmith, I believe we discussed this problem some time back via Twitter (@popbooyah). I am just now getting around to posting the problem on the forum.
  • are you getting a red x for the PDF in the pop-up bubble or does it simply not show up at all?
    Generally the bookmarklet is more limited than the add-ons, but I thought this should work.
  • No. In the pop-up bubble, under "Saving Item.....", I see only a single document icon with the title of the document next to it. I am used to seeing additional icons appear nested under the document icon in other browsers or other sites, but that never happens with my iPad and IEEEXplore.
  • when you look at the item after it has imported, what does it say under "Library Catalog"?
  • I hope I am interpreting your question correctly. If you are asking how the item appears in "My Library" after importing, all seems well except for the expected, missing attachments. Item Type, Title, Author, Abstract, Publication, etc. all appear correct.
  • no, I'm asking what appears in the field "Library Catalog" for that item (towards the bottom of the display).
  • I understand now. Library Catalog is "IEEE Xplore".
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