entering citations for AAAS Science Magazine


In Science, the bibliography section, besides the references to published work, can also contain custom text written by the author of the paper. I am puzzled about how to solve this issue with zotero?

It is possibly a piece of cake to achieve what I want, but couldn't really find any resources.

  • There actually isn't a great way to do this, but you can just insert citations to Standalone notes - they'll create the number and, if included in the note - at least the beginning of what you want to write. You'll then have to edit manually (under edit bibliography, ideally).
  • hey,

    thanks adam, I tried exactly what you said.

    It works not bad actually, however the text is truncated :(... I could modify the text manually, however this is a bit PITA cause each time Biblio section is updated it's gonna be lost...

    so if I read you correctly there is absolutely no way to have the full content of a Note on the biblio section?

  • correct. You can, however, manually edit the text of the note in the "Edit Bibliography" window. Click on the note in the window on the left, then edit in the editor window on the bottom. THose changes will not get overwritten.
  • great many thanks!
  • sorry, that was actually wrong. Click on the note in the window _on the right_ then edit in the editor window on the bottom
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