Add link to citation style repository in Doc Preferences dialog

In e.g. MS Word, when I go to set document preferences (or insert a first citation), I see a box at the top labeled Citation Style with a scrolling list of several options, one selected.

The next box down is "Format Using" and radio buttons for Fields vs. Bookmarks.

Between those two, e.g. in the bottom of that first box, I'd love to see a button which says "Get More" and opens the Zotero Style Repository ( in the system's default browser.

Would anyone care to add this?
  • edited March 11, 2014
    Yeah, we should do this — I think it'd eliminate a lot of confusion. It can use the same string ("Get additional styles…") as the styles list in the prefs. It needs to close the window before opening the page, though. Ticket created.
  • Just writing to refresh this after a bit over a year.
  • edited September 6, 2016
    I've added a "Manage Styles…" link in the doc prefs window for Zotero 5.0 that opens the Styles tab in the preferences. That tab currently has a link to the styles page, and we'll be adding the ability to install styles directly from the prefs, though possibly not for the initial release of 5.0.
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