Update/Push translation from Transifex to personal installation

Today I changed(/suggested) some changes for the Dutch translation of Zotero (on Transifex). Is it possible to run these dtd's on my own install?

If so, how do I have to install that.

If not, when can I expect that the next round of translations is going to pushed to production / use. This because I want to write a manual for (dutch) legal authors on how to use Zotero + Leidraad voor juristen (Dutch). It would be nice to include some screenshots with the changed/more accurate dutch translations.
  • It's pretty demanding to build Zotero with updated localizations yourself (you'd have to check out the git with submodules and the replace the corresponding .dtd files in the submodules and either run Zotero straight from the source code or run a build script to get an .xpi — it's doable, but if that all sounds a bit technical to you that's because it is)

    Transifex translations are typically merged right before a new Zotero release, i.e. your changes will be in the 4.0.18 version of Zotero. I'd expect this to go out pretty soon (i.e. within weeks) but don't have anything more precise.
  • As you said: it's doable, because I managed to do so.


    Where do I find the translations for this screen:

    I mean:
    - the scroll down list with locator-names
    - the cancel botton that should say (in dutch): annuleren
  • I don't believe these are localized, though Dan would have to say for sure. The classic view of the add-citation dialog isn't getting much attention anymore.
  • And the default git checkout doesn't grab the CSL locales so they revert the the en-US ones?
  • If you don't use --recursive when cloning, yes.
  • It's also possible to just download the regular .xpi file, unzip it, replace the desired files, and rezip the contents, right?
  • Rintze, yes. I actually use that method to rename some fields in my zotero installation. The only annoyance with doing that is it reverts to the standard locale files whenever an update is pushed.
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