Transferring a library


I've got a new laptop and am trying to switch my Zotero library over to it - really need to use Standalone because I do not always have internet access.

I've had trouble syncing, which I have so far been unable to resolve (see Because my time is limited and I really need to get on with this, I have decided to try manually transferring the library as suggested during that thread and as described here:

What I now need to know is, once I have located the data directory in the old laptop, I assume I copy the whole thing onto a stick then paste it to the corresponding place in the new laptop. But to do so I guess I have to entirely replace what is already there. Would that be the right thing to do?

Sorry I am not very good at this... I really appreciate the help!
  • But to do so I guess I have to entirely replace what is already there. Would that be the right thing to do?
    yes. Obviously this will overwrite any changes/additions you've made on the new computer in the meantime. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent that without sync.
  • OK - I only added one record anyhow so will sacrifice it. Thank you!
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