zotero and git submodules


I am the maintainer of zotero and zotero-sa in Debian. I am having troubles with submodules workflow.
Here's my situation:

I have a master branch which is cloned from your zotero-standalone-build repository.
To update I normally do:

git pull origin --no-recurse-submodules


git submodule update --rebase --recursive

after that I merge the changes in my debian branch (with the debian folder).

Now I want to create a new branch (based on the 3.0.7 tag which is the current version of zotero in debian wheezy) called upstream-wheezy from my master branch.
The problem is that in the upstram-wheezy branch the submodules point to the same commit as in the master branch. If I now make the submodules point to the commit in relation to the 3.0.7 tag in the upstream-wheezy branch, in the master branch the submodules are pointing to the wrong commit.

Can someone explain and help me solving this workflow issue?


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