Internal server error

I am trying to sync an 11mb database with hundreds of tags. I have checked the tags for length and forbidden XML characters. The debug output shows the tag sync proceeding happily until:

<tag id="16334" name="Inkululeko" dateModified="2008-07-16 18:54:28" key="XZWTU64B">
<items>3586 11619 4135 333 6597 11984 8639 12528</items>
<tag id="5788" key="8D8KJ82M"/>
<tag id="8990" key="8T8QWBFC"/>
<tag id="1157" key="DUHKMPPH"/>
<tag id="12204" key="BMV83MIP"/>
<tag id="13100" key="2BMVT2D6"/>
<tag id="7270" key="KWZ2R4C3"/>
<tag id="10039" key="FX7J6FT7"/>
<tag id="5766" key="3F2U6IGJ"/>
<tag id="9583" key="RG689SBZ"/>
<tag id="10319" key="C8MXWNNP"/>
<tag id="13325" key="KBI76I7E"/>
<tag id="11289" key="VKGVVJ35"/>
<tag id="5538" key="MQ7BQ289"/>
<tag id="6290" key="GQGBW6K9"/>
<tag id="1962" key="6I424IVP"/>
<tag id="11962" key="DKR6GMC3"/>
<tag id="11362" key="BVNDXH8H"/>
<tag id="15747" key="4T8GCMRT"/>
<tag id="8215" key="M7848NIU"/>
<tag id="10933" key="X2NIZ9BH"/>
<tag id="3596" key="ZDU4GX48"/>
<tag id="9149" key="P7FC8C3C"/>
<tag id="3611" key="629SVTWK"/>
<tag id="252" key="9T9DKNTC"/>
<tag id="2618" key="7CAPNV4I"/>
<tag id="3427" key="W3GI97GG"/>
<tag id="3016" key="JWEDH5Q8"/>
<tag id="15385" key="595AAMZH"/>
<tag id="2368" key="T88UNKKX"/>

zotero(5): REPLACE INTO version VALUES ('lastremotesync', ?)

zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 1216282801

zotero(5): Committing transaction

zotero(3): Resetting Notifier event queue

zotero(3): HTTP POST 3260603 bytes to (gzipped from 14209855 bytes; 77% savings)

zotero(3): An internal server error occurred. Please try again later.

zotero(3): Releasing session lock

zotero(3): HTTP POST version=1&sessionid=0447dfc3adace1d1771f00f456965fdb to

zotero(3): <?xml version="1.0"?>
<response version="1" timestamp="1216283921"><unlocked/></response>

I'm not sure what to make of this.

Thank you for a great (and now much faster) tool.
  • This is likely just a timeout on the backend server—we still have a lot of optimization to do that should speed up uploads on the server side. Just out of curiosity, how many total items do you have? (Select All in the middle pane and check the number on the right.)
  • The database has 4970 items, some of them with notes up to 10,000 characters. This is a copy of my 'real' research database, about half of which is a list of archival files or folders and the other half is documents. I'd say that its probably representative of the kinds of documentary databases that social scientists will want zotero to handle. I'm working a long way from you, that may slow things up a bit. Looking at the debug outbut it seems that tags require a lot of work -- so I'll work on simplifying them (which I should do in any case.)

    Thanks again for a marvellous tool. Zotero is a god-send in ways that I suspect you cannot imagine.
  • The debug output you see related to tags is just on the client side, so I wouldn't worry too much about that (beyond whatever usual reorganization you want to do). The timeout you're seeing is from the time it takes to convert the 13.5MB XML file into usable data on the server and get it into the database, and that's more likely to be from the number of items than the number of tags. But that process should get a lot quicker as we optimize it more.

    (Parts of the client-side code in 1.5, including probably tags, need to be optimized as well. 1.5 has some major optimizations over 1.0 but also likely has some performance regressions in some places.)
  • I haven't yet managed to synchronize my large database (9500 items). I suspect that this is, still, a timeout issue on the Zotero server as I can get it to work with smaller fragments of the database.

    zotero(5): REPLACE INTO version VALUES ('lastremotesync', ?)

    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 1237318776

    zotero(5): Committing transaction

    zotero(3): Resetting Notifier event queue

    zotero(3): HTTP POST 5891600 bytes to (gzipped from 30131196 bytes; 80% savings)

    zotero(3): An internal server error occurred. Please try again later.

    zotero(1): Invalid response from server

    zotero(3): Reloading all tags

    If you think it'll help I can send the debug output.
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