New item - more resource types


I was wondering if it's possible to add more resource types under new items? I've been asked by a student how to add performances (theatre) and there is no obvious existing resource type. How can these be added?

  • You can't currently — nor will you be able to any time soon — add your own item types. We'll add more item types in Zotero 4.2, which we hope is going to happen some time this year and performance is on the list ( ).
  • Employment/job fields for a resume/cv would be excellent with the following fields in addition to standard fields:

    Team members
    Months worked
    %time worked (hrs/week)
    Salary base (/year, /month, /hr)
  • Not going to happen, Zotero offers the CV option mainly for academic CVs, which are mostly citations (and there are rich text fields for the rest)
    Trying to accommodate general job/resume categories is mission creep.
  • I understand and agree that academic CV's are mostly citations, however, for those of us with considerable employment and project and/or governmental/NGO type experience, mission creep could be helpful, this also applies to grants. I will look more into rich text. Thank you.
  • I understand that people have more diverse CVs, but the point is that the CV function is mostly a side-product of Zotero's reference manager abilities. Zotero simply can't become a general database tool for everything people working in academia find relevant (e.g. it's also not suitable as a lab log book, fieldwork contact collection etc.)
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