Word 2013

I recently installed Word 2013 and now I cannot see the live citation fields anymore. The fields are active and I can change citation styles etc., but I cannot see the actual fields as with my previous Word version. This is a problem because I would like to know which of my citations have a live link with Zotero and which ones do not. am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
  • That's a Word setting. It's called something like "Highlight Fields" or "Show Field Shadings"; find that and enable it and you'll see the field highlighting again.
  • Thanks, now I can see the fields in my old files. However I just realized that the references I created through the Scrivener/ODF Scan are dead, i.e. there are no live fields. I looked up the board threads about Scrivener and the ODF Scan but I cannot find a solution.
  • I can't tell what you did exactly, but note that ODF scan requires LibreOffice
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