error notification loading preferences

1708724682 error number
  • Really, my zotero preferences doesn't work.
    Error notification is 1708724682
  • Moving to the Sync Preview forum. Please post Sync Preview issues there.

    Please see the note for non-English users in the account setup section of the Sync Preview instructions page, which explain how to work around this issue.
  • May I add something from my experience using 1.5 today?

    I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 and had huge problems following the advice from the documentation, because there seems to be some other switch affecting the preferences(earlier on I had the assumption it's something with the language Zotero is using). When starting firefox with the following command, the preferences are accessable: "LANG="en_US.UTF-8" firefox

    I also tried setting the general.useragent.locale, but that's not enough to influence firefox to change the language so it works. I didn't made a ticket for this one, because I don't know if it would be covered by any changes you guys are currently making.
    Btw: Great work so far!
  • OK, thanks. It's possible the system locale takes precedence over general.useragent.locale on Linux. I'll update the documentation.
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