Exporting to MODS file

We have exported a ProQuest literature search to a MODS file. We have created a style sheet to import this into Filemaker. We've been able to import most of the information, except for the location of a conference.

If the genre of a document is "conferenceDocument" the location of the conference is listed this way: <note>The following values have no corresponding Zotero field:<br/>JF - Illinois Sociological Association<br/></note>.

Is there any way to change this so that we can export this information into Filemaker?

  • not easily. The problem is on import here, and it's twofold:
    1. Zotero unfortunately only has one place field for conference papers, though we'd need two: one for the place of publication of the proceedings, one for the conference
    2. ProQuests RIS export isn't very good: JF isn't a standard RIS field anymore, and if it is used at all it should be used for journal names, so even with the appropriate fields in Zotero, there's no way to import that correctly.

    So no, there really isn't much you can do that doesn't involve significant tinkering with import and export translators to customize them.
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